Grace Timonium


We are so excited about Fall REST Fest! This will be held at First Fruits Farms on Saturday, October 26th from 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. This free event is for families in our church and community who have loved ones affected by disabilities. There will be trunk or treating, pumpkins, face painting, crafts, food, and more!

Family registration

Please register your family for Fall Rest fest at the link below. Registration is free but required for any family affected by disabilities in our community. 

Volunteer Registration


We need 40 cars decorated for an incredible trunk-or-treat experience. There will be prizes for the top three trunks. Please click the link below to learn more and sign up for this opportunity.


We send meals home to each family to enjoy the evening of Rest Day. You do not have to fill out the volunteer link above in order to donate food but please register below.  .