Welcome to grace
At Grace, we hope you discover a family of believers in Jesus who are growing in the journey of faith together. Whether you’re uncertain about the person of Christ, unsure about your own commitment to Him, new to your relationship with the Lord, or already a passionate follower of Jesus, we welcome you to be part of our community. As a church, we are striving to become the kind of people that reflect Jesus. We value authentic relationships, relevant biblical teaching, heart-connected worship, and compassionate concern for our community, our city and the world beyond. If you are new to Grace, click the button below to tell us a little bit about you. We can’t wait to get to know you!
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Welcome to Grace
We understand that navigating a new church community can be both exciting and overwhelming, but we are committed to walking alongside you, and helping you find your place and purpose within our congregation.

Join us as we will explore the foundational principles of Christianity and help you understand in a deeper way how to walk daily with God. Are you ready to launch your faith to new heights?

We are all about inspiring a life worth pursuing in Baltimore and beyond. At Grace, we create experiences that use your unique gifts to multiply our reach. No matter what age, we have diverse programs and classes to get you connected.
Join us at Grace on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. or 11:15 a.m.
Grace has two in-person services each week.
Join us Online