Grace Timonium

Connect with God, each other, and your purpose.

Finding lasting community at Grace Fellowship Church begins with Rooted.

Rooted is a 10-week community experience designed to connect you to God, the church, and your purpose. Beyond a class, book, or bible study, Rooted is an opportunity to establish the essential rhythms of a healthy relationship with Jesus that leads to life transformation. Together, with a small group of people in an interactive environment, you’ll explore the Bible, engage in prayer and serve experiences, share stories, and unpack what you are learning in a safe space.

A catalyst for life-change.

If you are interested in spiritual growth and life change, come join us as we embark on the Rooted journey.  

Rooted registration is closed for Spring 2025. We will be launching Rooted again on Tuesday evenings in September 2025.

Rooted is on Wednesdays beginning on February 19th.

Rooted Videos

Registration closes on January 16. Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate any walk-ins on January 26. We invite you to keep an eye out for our Fall 2022 Rooted registration.

How has Rooted impacted your life?

“I loved my group! I was apprehensive at first, but even though we were from a broad spectrum of life experiences, we connected in our love for Jesus…” 

“I’ve never met such good friends to share this hard journey called life with…we are all so grateful!”

“It forced me to establish an everyday, regular routine of sitting down without distraction to read, study, and pray.”

We hear stories like this all the time. Imagine what a difference Rooted could make in your life!

Questions About Rooted

How do I register and what does it cost?

Registration is easy! Click the Register button above and you’ll be guided through the next steps until your Rooted Experience begins. The cost for Rooted is $55 per person, which includes the Rooted workbook, a t-shirt, the 10 weeks of small group experiences, and a big Celebration Dinner at the end of the session.

Is Rooted a Bible study?

Rooted is not just a Bible study; it is a group discipleship experience that will encourage you toward a deeper and more meaningful life. Rooted provokes questions and conversations between imperfect people wanting to know Jesus better, and it launches each of us out of our comfort zones and into a life with Jesus, unlike anything we’ve ever experienced. The Rooted Experience includes a workbook and asks participants to engage in 15-20 minutes of Bible reading, devotion and response 5 days a week. It’s an accessible and meaningful way to grow during the Rooted Experience!

Where will my group meet?

Starting on February 19, 2024, we will meet for 10 consecutive Wednesday nights from 7 – 9  p.m. at Grace Fellowship Church. We believe meeting in person at Grace is the best way to experience Rooted because engagement, encouragement, and relationships happen best in community.

Are there any additional meetings outside of Wednesday nights?

The 10-week experience is 13 total sessions. Ten meetings are on Wednesday evenings with your small group. There are also two outside experiences (a prayer experience and serve experience) that are approximately three hours and will be scheduled as a group. There is a final Celebration Dinner that you won’t want to miss.

What if I can't make all 10 weeks?

We understand that Rooted requires a large time commitment, but we believe it’s worth it to invest in the entire process. If you know you’re going to miss more than two meetings, we ask that you wait until the next session. The 10 weeks are a cumulative experience, so we ask that every participant commit to honor each other by being at every meeting. 

Who will be facilitating the groups?

Groups are facilitated by individuals or couples who have already experienced Rooted and who have been through a selection and training process. To find out more about the facilitator application process, please email

Can my Small Group participate together?

Provided you have a trained leader, we welcome Small Group members to sign up and participate together. The most effective group size is 10-12, so if your group is smaller or larger, we may ask you to flex in order to provide the best-possible experience. Email to inquire about your existing small group participating in Rooted.

When do I get my Rooted materials?

You’ll receive your workbook and t-shirt on Launch Night, which is the first time you meet together with your group. Your leader will have your materials and walk you through how to use them.

How will my group be chosen?

Our leadership team puts a substantial amount of prayer and thoughtfulness into forming the groups. We typically place participants into groups of about 12 people, considering age, marital status, and life stage. Often this results in groups of married couples, singles, women, men, and young adults. Ultimately the groups will be formed based on who registers. While we’ll do our best to honor requests, we cannot guarantee that we’ll be able to accommodate all friend or leader preferences.

What if I am unable to commit to this session?

We will continue to offer the Rooted Experience in future seasons. Stay tuned for dates and times! 

Will childcare be provided?

Yes. On Rooted nights we will provide childcare at Grace. There is no cost for this service but we will need to know in advance your specific needs. We can accommodate children from birth through 5th grade. We do not offer childcare for Prayer, Serve, or Celebration Experiences.

Rooted Signup

Basic Information

Group Information

Please fill out the information below. This will help us place you in a Rooted Group.

While we’ll do our best to honor requests, we cannot guarantee that we’ll be able to accommodate all preferences.

Rooted Payment

There is a one time registration cost of $25. This cost covers your Rooted workbook, t-shirt, and a Celebration Dinner.
If you prefer to pay by cash or check (payable to GFC with Rooted in the memo), please submit payment along with the answers to the questions above in a giving kiosk or drop it off at Guest Services.

If you need a scholarship please email Debbie Logan at to complete your registration.

Price: $25.00