Grace Timonium

Grace men

Pursuing life together

Men, life is too hard to go it alone. You don’t need to!  In growing numbers, men are coming together to talk about their faith, their lives, their futures, and how they can have an impact on their spheres of influence. If you’re looking for laughter, honesty, enthusiasm, hope, or change, please attend a Grace Men event.

You will have a tremendous opportunity to build friendships, have some laughs, get at some real stuff, and connect your faith in your everyday life. Join us to go a step further in your life as a man.

FALL Session 2024


We all know at some point in our lives it’s coming… It may be as harmless as a scrape on our knee as a kid growing up, or the harsh unanticipated news that the “marriage is over”-or-someone you love “only having months to live”. But make no mistake news we’d rather not hear is coming…..While it doesn’t come to everyone in the same measure, no one can avoid their share of heartache.

Being alive allows us to taste beauty, joy, deep connection with other human beings, and profound moments of such goodness we don’t want them to ever end! At other times we are confronted directly, or indirectly, with the reality of pain, loss, suffering, and our frailty as human beings. Moments like this can be suffocating and trigger all kinds of reactions. They make us question what God is like, or if He even exists, and they expose what we worship by what we look to for comfort. Something within us yearns for relief, for the heartache to end, for something or someone to make things better.

During the Fall session of Ironmen, we want to confront the “Conundrum of Pain and Suffering”, believing that it doesn’t have the last word. There can be beauty in the pain, an honest hope in the heartache, and we can become people who learn to live well even as we face what life may bring our way. If this is something you’d like to tackle with some other men, then this 10-week session is for you. There is no need to sign up-just show up ready to be yourself and join in! Weekly times are:

*Monday PM Group runs weekly from Sept 16-Nov 18 from 7-8:30 PM.
*Thursday AM Group runs weekly from Sept 19-Nov 21 from 6:15-7:45 AM 

We gather in the South Auditorium at Grace



If inclement weather impacts our regular meeting time, your table leader will notify you by email or phone. You can still participate using the Grace Men’s zoom meeting below.

What men are saying about ironmen

Contact info


Grace Mens Director

Grace Men Social Media