Grace Timonium

Grace men

Pursuing life together

Men, life is too hard to go it alone. You don’t need to!  In growing numbers, men are coming together to talk about their faith, their lives, their futures, and how they can have an impact on their spheres of influence. If you’re looking for laughter, honesty, enthusiasm, hope, or change, please attend a Grace Men event.

You will have a tremendous opportunity to build friendships, have some laughs, get at some real stuff, and connect your faith in your everyday life. Join us to go a step further in your life as a man.

Winter Session 2025

Who Is He.

Have you ever considered the response that certain names illicit when they are mentioned? Names like Abraham Lincoln, Rosa Parks, Babe Ruth, Martin Luther King, Hitler, Mother Teresa, Michael Jackson, General Patton, Michael Jordan, or Taylor Swift. While this list is small hearing these names possibly stirs within you a variety of responses. But mention “Jesus” in a conversation and that name can really stir things up or shut things down depending on people’s introduction to Him. Why is that?

What is it about Jesus that is so compelling for some, and yet so threatening for others? While time is based on his life, and more music has been crafted, more art created, more poor people helped in his honor than any other name millions remain ignorant regarding who he is, what he did, and what he came to offer humanity. A wrong introduction leads to a wrong conclusion every time-so it’s time to experience a proper introduction to this person named “Jesus”! Because if he is who he said he was a proper introduction isn’t just important, it’s vitally important. It not only helps in understanding who we are as human beings, but in understanding every aspect of life, even life beyond the grave. Fortunately, Jesus didn’t leave it up to our imaginations to come to our own conclusions about his identity. He gave us plenty of material to work with to get acquainted with who he truly is! And trust me. it is anything but predictable!

If you are interested in connecting with some men while discovering not only what it means to be a better man, but also a better person, then this 8-week Winter Ironmen session is for you! You may just discover that there is way more to who Jesus is than you ever imagined. There is no need to sign up just show up!

If schools are late or closed, we will not meet that day and will just add another week to the session.

*Monday PM Group runs weekly from 7-8:30 PM (Jan 13-March 3)
*Thursday AM Group runs weekly from 6:15-7:45 AM (Jan 16-March 6)

We gather in the South Auditorium at Grace


If inclement weather impacts our regular meeting time, your table leader will notify you by email or phone. You can still participate using the Grace Men’s zoom meeting below.

What men are saying about ironmen

Contact info


Grace Mens Director

Grace Men Social Media