Grace Timonium


You have taken a significant step today!

Congratulations for taking a significant step by publicly professing and obediently demonstrating your faith in Jesus Christ through baptism! We celebrate this joy-filled, significant moment in your faith journey with you as you are Raised to Life in Christ!

Watch a short video from Pastor Shea

affirming your commitment to faith in Jesus.

Baptism Theology

Raised to Life

The Greek word for baptism is gr: baptizo, which was commonly used to describe ships that had sunk in the water’s depths. The word has a connotation of death, describing the sinking of a vessel to a watery grave. The early church adopted this word to describe the practice of new believers in Jesus, being submersed into the waters of death, in which their old nature of sin died, and coming out of the water as a new creation, raised to life through Jesus Christ

Raised to Life graphic

What's next?

To help you continue to grow in your faith, we encourage you to take an upcoming Starting Point or Rooted class, and/or to join a small group. Let us know by filling out our connect card.

In the Bible, Jesus was baptized and also baptized others. He demonstrated that baptism is certainly something that believers should do. Following one’s decision to put their faith in Christ, they should get baptized. Baptism is not what brings salvation, but rather is an outward expression that salvation has already occurred. A person who was formerly dead in their sin in now alive in Christ.   

At Grace we baptize believe in similar fashion to the way that Jesus baptized. We fully submerge the person in water to signify Jesus’ death on the cross. We then raise them out of the water to signify His resurrection. Once you have been baptized, you do not need to do it again. Instead of baptizing babies, at Grace we believe that baptism should be the individuals independent choice. Above all, we seek to be obedient to Christ’s command for us to make disciples and baptize them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

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